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Primera Signature Printers are easy to use with any Windows based PC. They can be connected by USB cable, data cable or wirelessly.

Connection using the free online printer driver / utility or PT Lab Standard Edition makes the printing of slides and cassettes simple. There is an easy to use PT Lab Template Editor for flexible custom template designs that incorporates 2D barcoding.

Laboratory information system integration is low cost with our solutions. PT Lab Professional and InstrumeC software can be customised to your specific requirements.

Please call or email and book a meeting to discuss your requirements.


Email us to book a meeting

Thanks for contacting us, we'll be in touch as soon as possible.

Head Office Melbourne

Tel: +61 3 9013 0051

Fax: + 61 3 9013 0775


Tel: 00 61 3 9013 0051

Fax: 00 61 3 9013 0775

©2024 by InstrumeC Pty Ltd • Head Office Melbourne • PO Box 663, Black Rock VIC 3193

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