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InstrumeC staff are trained and skilled to provide fast, reliable on-site mobile service support throughout Australia and New Zealand histology printing solutions. We are factory trained, experienced and have many years of hands-on knowledge.

Our vast inventory of spare parts and back-up loaner units means your down-time is minimised.

We undertake preventative maintenance which reduces the mean time between failure for trouble free operations.

If required we deliver these services after hours or weekends to minimise operational disruption.

Email us to find out more

Thanks for contacting us, we'll be in touch as soon as possible.

Head Office Melbourne

Tel: +61 3 9013 0051

Fax: + 61 3 9013 0775


Tel: 00 61 3 9013 0051

Fax: 00 61 3 9013 0775

©2024 by InstrumeC Pty Ltd • Head Office Melbourne • PO Box 663, Black Rock VIC 3193

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